5 Fun Ways Hunting Unique Statue City

Posted by Unknown Friday, February 08, 2013 0 Comment
Statue, in the popularity, nearly matching a monument and a marker of other iconic cities. Call it the Statue of Liberty in New York, the Sphinx in Egypt, Merlion in Singapore, the statues of Buddha in Bangkok and Angkor Wat to Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue in Bali.
Not only in the form of a super jumbo, the sculptures in the form of a relatively small also quite popular as a statue 'Pietta' by Michelangelo. Or sculpture are more detailed and very typical easily found on the walls of old buildings in France and in Italy.
So that is plural when the photographers involved include the list of unique sculpture while hunting or traveling to a city. Moreover, with the increasing number of unique contemporary sculpture, sculpture hunting more and more popular.
Well, that photographs of the statue is not boring, no special tricks. No other statues that look 'dead' and 'alive'. Also continue to have charisma, though it was transferred in a photograph.
To get the aura of the statue, a statue of the main requirements when shooting with the camera that you should never assume the statue as inanimate objects. Because the statue was created by an artist who does not want to work just piled helped liven up the city yet.
Here are 5 tips:
1. Find and focus the camera on the statue's eyes. Why the eyes? Therefore, the language of the eye, such as the human eye, can represent the atmosphere of mysticism and the overall aura of the statue. Capture the emotion that radiates through the eyes or face fine sculpture.
2. Note the body language (gesture) statue and carefully through the camera viewfinder. Gesture is not made in vain by the artist sculptor. Each gesture represents the spirit of the age curve, ideas, stories, and also the technical accuracy of the artist.
If you do not have the time, let your instincts spontaneously showed the best angle to photograph. The safest technique which is a frontal photograph of the front like in a fashion shoot. Use the lens diaphragm aperture as small as f / 8 or f / 9.
3. For contemporary sculptures or statues that do not take a moral or fable theme as in classical sculpture, focus the camera to look for interesting photographic composition.
Therefore, contemporary sculptures usually are designed in such a way that the color, texture and shape pleasing and photogenic.
Having been helped by an interesting subject, the photographer now looking for an attractive and representative angle. So that the resulting image can record detail and story statue.
To hone your reflexes eye view interesting sides, are advised to frequently visit the exhibition of installation art. Also various museum that holds many interesting art objects. Seeing the work of other photographers also should be referenced.

4. Large-small size sculpture of the same value for the camera. Both tall statue of Christ the Redeemer Statue in Brazil and relief sculpture in ancient coins in China, it is equal the width viewfender / LCD.

That is stay focused on the big things do not underestimate the little things and details. Make sure big or small statue when in snap properly, will have a 'woww effect' equally riveting.

To be sure, when the statue of the giant target and want to take pictures as a whole, so do not get too close. Take the first landscape photo from a distance, then came over to record more close-up and closer to the story in more detail.

5: Consider all around the statue. Is the statue stands alone as in a museum or a part of the layout of the city such as the roadside.

When the statue was standing alone, it is not a lot of obstacles. However, if the statue is part of the identity of the city and are in the public sphere, then tantanganya quite interesting. Therefore, the photographer will be able to record the statue in the city's atmosphere: whether the statue into foreground, background or center of the story in a photograph of the city.
Judul: 5 Fun Ways Hunting Unique Statue City
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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